… to our current website. In a time in which many things have changed, we are always trying out new things so that you can develop the way you want to. This semester we’re launching the career:creative:campus project, with lots of ideas and activities for planning your future. What we have put together for you can be found on this page.
Career Service
Our topic is the future and how to shape it for ourselves. There are many life plans. Which one is the best for me? This is, for example, one of the questions we help you to find the answer to.
Life-paths are diverse and so are the answers. That’s why we have a variety of offers for you. Consulting and coaching, workshops and discussions. With the offers of the career:creative:campus we are present for you, online and in presence. We are looking forward to seeing you.
Career Guidance
We offer individual advice on all questions that arise during and after your studies when it comes to finding the best way into the right profession. Appointments via e-mail to beratung@career.uni-siegen.de.
When you make an appointment, you will receive information on data protection and the confidentiality of the interview. We offer consulting in presence and online. For our online consulting services we use the video conferencing tool WebEx through our campus license.
We have one hour for the consultation. That is quite a lot, but usually there are many questions and time passes quickly. Therefore a few tips what you can do in advance.
In preparation we recommend to take 15 or 20 minutes the day before the interview to write down all questions for the consultation. Then we can make sure during the conversation that we really address everything that is important to you.
Short and active, ideas and knowledge so that you can continue working yourself. This is what our new workshops, seminars and trainings in the current semester are like. You can find them in unisono. There you can also register. If the registration doesn’t work please send an email to info@career.uni-siegen.de. We will work on a solution.
These Workshops to come are still part of the current Winter Semester 2024/2025
Time Management – Successful in Studies and Job
Fri. 07.03.2025, 15:00 – 18:00 h, Room H-B 4419/20
Event Nr. 703-c2AW-ep-WS24-25
Mon. 17.03.2025, 09:00 – 12:00 h, online via Webex
Event Nr. 704-c2AW-ed-WS24-25
Our Workshops in the Summer Semester 2025
Currently we are in the planning phase. The list will be continuously updated.
career competence Awareness Workshop
Part I: Discovering skills – Your current skills kit for studying and working
Fri. 16.05.2025, 15:00 – 19:00 h (in presence)
Event Nr. 702-c2AW-ep-SoSe25
Registration via unisono
career competence Awareness Workshop
Change competence – Develop the ability to cope with transformation and change
Thur. 26.06.2025, 15:00 – 18:00 h (in presence)
Event Nr. 704-c2AW-ep-SoSe25
Mon. 30.06.2025, 09:00 – 12:00 h (digital via Webex)
Event Nr. 706-c2AW-ed-SoSe25
career competence Awareness Workshop
Part II: Developing skills – Expanding your skill kit with a view to the future & career
Mon. 29.09.2025, 15:00 – 19:00 h (in presence)
Veranstaltungsnummer: 708-c2AW-ep-SoSe25

With listening, you can’t start too early. That’s our experience.
We are available via e-mail, but also classically via telephone. For our online consulting services we use the video conferencing tool Webex through our campus license.
We are looking forward to seeing you.