Future Skills …

… a fascinating insight into our thoughts about the future of knowledge, science, living and working environments.

That was a fantastic start for our futureSKILLs project, the workshop last Thursday. And so many new ideas and perspectives. Truly extraordinary. Many thanks to everyone who was involved in preparation, implementation and evaluation.

What can and eventually will develop from this is not yet foreseeable. So here are just some of the thoughts that came up, completely unfiltered and written spontaneously in the blog post:

The amount of available knowledge is constantly increasing, which is fascinating, and it is becoming more and more important to know knowledge can be applied.

A rope, intertwined on the workshop table. What is the task? Stretch it as long as you can, simply a straight line? Roll it up neatly to save as much space as possible? Or just leave it as it is and see what ideas this tangled strings can give you? The biological evolution stores its inventions in tangled strands of molecules. A good idea for our knowledge, too?

In just a few hundred years, a complex, increasingly interconnected system of technologies has emerged. The machines we constructed and those we will construct in the future will do a lot of work for us, that is the expectation. — This old dream of humans: a life without labor and toil. — Already today the machines are relieving us of physical labor in many ways. In a number of cases, they are also doing or supporting mental work and it is becoming increasingly important to understand what happens in and with the systems that our technologically gifted, innovative and inventive ancestors and contemporaries have created and are creating. They usually do it with the aim of making life easier. Often driven by the urge for profit, power and prestige. All motives that psychologists should like to take a closer look at and whose effects on the social systems in which we, the sensory beings designed for community, live, face enormous challenges, currently already and probably even more so in the future. The set of skills and competencies that we need for the world that we are growing into, to that we are shaping from our present now, will therefore be a diverse one, far more than just technical and technocratic knowledge.

In any case, technology, this wisdom science of the encountered world insights’ application, opens up amazing perspectives. For example, the machine I use to write a letter, an invoice or a novel can also be used to control a fully automated industrial production plant, a rolling mill or a large bakery, for example. In the recording studio, I use this machine to produce music. If I connect several of these machines together in a well-cooled rack to form a cluster, I can use them to render a high-resolution movie.

Currently, a lot is being written and discussed about future skills in the German education landscape. Much of this is an echo of the international debate. Some of it is specific to the structures of how education and knowledge acquisition are organized in Germany. The classic terms from the concept of key skills have now been joined by buzzwords such as digital literacy and artificial intelligence.

In the workshop, we asked ourselves about the durability of these terms and what lies behind them. The discussion about autonomous driving is not that old and, at least at the moment, has completely faded into the background. Hardly anyone is still hoping for blockchain as the patent solution for redesigning the way we make contracts or do business. And just like blockchain, the AI systems that are currently so hyped are also consuming vast amounts of energy at a time when we are painfully aware of the finite nature of the resources we consume. This raises the question of whether it makes sense to use the energy required by several detached houses to generate an 800 x 800 pixel image of a cat. Keywords indeed do have a very limited expiry date.

The scientific, the intellectual, method behind all these developments is mathematics. Computer science, the science that also operates and researches digitization processes, is a branch of applied mathematics and almost everything we do with the machines we have built is based on this type of mathematical application. The algorithm that filters the noise from the presenter’s announcement in the recording studio is the same formula that removes the noise from my cell phone photo.

In the workshop, the idea emerged that the knowledge we will need and the ability we should have to apply this knowledge will have a universal character: a fundamental understanding of the world and the ability to develop new skills based on this understanding. An interconnected matrix of creating something new and a new way of dealing with the newly created. In the Renaissance, there was the ideal of the universal genius, the man educated in all the sciences and arts and active in all these fields. Architect and painter, musician and manager. Perhaps we are entering a new Renaissance. This time, in a reflective, figurative sense, a new return to Antiquity, this epoch of intellectual history in which critically reflected free thinking was of such great importance.

Therefore, to conclude, a reading recommendation: Carlo Rovelli: Anaximander: And the Nature of Science. London 2023. ISBN ‎9780241635049

Applications and Metadata in PDF …

… can form a strong connection. In one of our last Career Service seminars we discussed the topic of machines reading applications and how metadate can reduce or increase the success of your application. Afterwards Sabrina, one of the participants, did some further research on the subject. She has now sent us the following text. Many thanks.

Sabrina’s blog-entry for the Career Service:

Metadata and PDF

Imagine you’re trying to find the perfect book in a massive library. How do you locate it among thousands of others? The answer lies in metadata. Metadata is like a librarian’s secret tool, providing the context surrounding a piece of information, making it easier to understand and find. A library’s metadata includes book categories, subjects, authors, titles, and physical attributes like weight and dimensions. This detailed information helps librarians organize and locate books efficiently, ensuring you can find what you’re looking for.

But metadata’s power extends beyond libraries. The standard definition of metadata is „data about data“; more elaborately, metadata provides context about a piece of information, making it easier to find and understand.

Tech companies like Google and Facebook use metadata to gather insights about individuals. By analyzing patterns in your digital communication—who you talk to, how often, and how you communicate—they can learn a lot about you without ever reading the content of your messages.

Understanding metadata is crucial. It’s a powerful tool that impacts how we navigate our information-rich world, helping us find what we need while posing significant privacy considerations.

Metadata in a PDF

Metadata in a PDF refers to the information embedded within the document that details its content, origin, and attributes. This information helps organize, find, and manage the document. Here are the critical components of PDF metadata:

  • Title: The name of the document.
  • Author: The individual or organization that created the document.
  • Subject: A summary or description of the document’s content.
  • Keywords: Terms that facilitate the categorization and searchability of the document.
  • Creation Date: The date and time when the document was first created.
  • Modification Date: The date and time when the document was last modified.
  • Producer: The software or tool used to generate the PDF.
  • Creator: The original software or application used to create the document before converting it to PDF.
  • Language: The language in which the document is written.
  • Version: The version of the PDF standard to which the document conforms.

This metadata is used by search engines, document management systems, and users to understand and locate documents more efficiently.

How to check pdf metadata

To unlock the secrets hidden within a PDF’s metadata, follow these steps:

  1. Open the PDF: Start by opening the PDF document using a PDF reader or editor.
  2. Access Document Properties: Look for an option usually labeled as „Document Properties,“ „File Properties,“ or „Properties.“ This option is typically found under the „File“ menu or by right-clicking on the document.
  3. View Metadata: Once you access the document properties, navigate to the „Metadata“ tab or section. You’ll find a list of metadata fields containing information about the PDF here.
  4. Review Metadata: Take a closer look at the metadata fields such as title, author, subject, keywords, creation date, modification date, producer, and creator. These fields provide valuable insights into the document’s content, origin, and history.

How to Change and Add Metadata in a PDF

Sometimes, you can update the default metadata to make it more meaningful and more accessible to track. Follow our simple steps to quickly modify the metadata in your PDFs, saving you time and simplifying your work.

This guide will show you how to change or add metadata to an existing PDF easily.

This guide is designed to make your work life a little easier and more efficient!

Step-by-Step Guide:

  • Make sure Adobe Acrobat’s full version is installed. You can download Adobe Acrobat here: https://www.adobe.com/uk/acrobat/free-trial-download.html
  • Open the PDF in Adobe Acrobat
  • Click File menu, Properties…
Screenshot Document Properties Adobe Acrobat
  • In the Description tab, enter the Title, Subject & Keywords metadata
  • Click the “OK” button 
  • When complete, click the File menu and save.

It’s that simple.

Why you might think of changing metadata in PDF

Updating metadata in a PDF is like giving your document a makeover, boosting its accuracy, searchability, and privacy protection. By ensuring that the document’s information reflects its content accurately, adding relevant keywords for easy searching, and safeguarding sensitive details, you enhance its overall quality and usability. Plus, maintaining brand consistency and legal compliance adds an extra layer of professionalism and security.

To make her contribution more personal, Sabrina has sent us a photo. Her question: Can I also use it for my application? The Career Service team is looking forward to your answers. Send an e-mail to menke@career.uni-siegen.de

Finding the one who fits 

Companies want to increase the quality of their applicants, which is why personnel marketing should be rethought.

Especially in times of a shortage of skilled workers, it is believed that personnel marketing must be given greater importance. Employers often assume that if there are more applicants, the quality of the selection process will automatically improve. But these views are one-sided. For example, if you go to a company event as a student, this usually becomes a pure advertising event instead of informing applicants about the real requirements or opportunities of the job. This would not only have the advantage that mainly people who are suitable for the job apply, but also reduce frustration among the new employees. 

For students, this means being aware of their own strengths and weaknesses. But it is also important to know which tasks are the most fun and what your goals are when you start the job. You should also gather information about the real advantages and disadvantages of the working conditions beforehand. For example, an internship or a telephone interview is a good way of asking your own questions. 

In concrete terms, this means not placing too much trust in companies‘ self-portrayals, for example on social media, and instead gaining your own experience. 

The summer will be exciting …

… that’s what we think. At the Career Service, we are currently preparing the new ‘career competence awareness workshops’. The aim is to enable you to use the skills you already have and the skills you acquire during your studies, as well as the ability to engage in lifelong learning, to successfully shape your career in the long term.

This is made possible by the funding we received for our offerings as part of the DAAD’s FIT program. Thank you.

This is the first draft of a logo for the workshops. The program has to be communicated visually. Let us know what your ideas for a logo would be and, first of all, what you hope to get out of the workshops.

Psychology …

… personnel selection and starting a career, that’s what the latest episode of the career:FRAGEN the Career Service’s podcast is all about. Marcellus Menke talks to psychologist Anne Möbert. It is in German, yes, but if you for example join the “German in an Nutshell”-Program you may want to find out how much you already understand.

And if you have any questions for Anne, write to the Career Service. We have an answer to every question. And we will answer in English, promised.

Looking forward to your questions: Psychologist Anne Möbert in Studio X-007 during the production of the podcast. And thanks to the ZIMT team for their great support.

After going over…

… the reasons why planning could be helpful in the spring semester, we would like to introduce some tools to help you achieve that.

First, Take half an hour over the weekend to plan the week ahead. Use your agenda (digital or paper) to jot down all the appointments for this week to have an overview and to not miss any deadlines.

Second, write down all the tasks you would like to get done in this week in a short list.

Third, allocate these tasks to days and time slots so that you do not have to think or worry about them anymore.

Fourth, schedule time for relaxation, socializing, and for your hobbies.

This might sound simple but you would be surprised with how these small steps could bring you a long way in having an overview over the semester.

Don’t forget to reward yourself when you are done for the day!

Simply brilliant …

… that’s all I can say and a big thank you. I have just received the first test print of the new program flyer from UniPrint. Now it’s on my desk. Next week it will be available in many places on campus. Take a look at the new program. We look forward to seeing you.

on my desk: the first proof of the new flyer for the summer semester program

How real …

… can you physically hold a digital edition in your hand? That may depend on the point of view or the definition. But, just in time for the weekend, the latest csp is now available online. So perhaps a good idea to start some German exercises or test your favorite automatic translator:


And these are the topics of issue 21/2024

  • Jana Fingerhut, Larissa Klemme, Luisa Kunze, Eric Thode: Wie der Strukturwandel die Nachfrage nach Beschäftigten und Kompetenzen am Arbeitsmarkt verändert [How structural change is altering the demand for employees and skills on the labor market]
  • Jonas Breetzke, Prof. Dr. Carla Bohndick: Ist mein Studium relevant? Wie Studierende den beruflichen und gesellschaftlichen Wert ihres Studiums wahrnehmen und wie Hochschulen ihn steigern können. [Are my studies relevant? How students perceive the professional and social value of their studies and how universities can increase it.]
  • Dr. Emilia Kmiotek-Meier, Lena Hoffmann, Dr. Carlo Klauth: Welche Kompetenzen brauchen Akademiker*innen, um auf dem Arbeitsmarkt erfolgreich zu sein? [What skills do academics need to be successful on the job market?]
  • Carmen M. Thiel: „Wir brauchen Visionen, neue Konzepte und Veränderungen, um die Zukunft der Musikhochschulen positiv gestalten zu können.“ [„We need visions, new concepts and changes in order to positively shape the future of conservatoires.“]
  • Prof. Dr. Uwe P. Kanning: Wie finde ich einen Arbeitsplatz, der zu mir passt? Professionelles Auftreten in unprofessionellen Auswahlverfahren. [How do I find a job that suits me? Professional performance in unprofessional selection procedures.]

The classic print version on paper will go into the post on Monday.

We wish you many interesting German reading experiences.

Hurry up, …

… always be quick. We live in an age where performance and speed are crucial. Do your work quickly so that people recognize that you are valuable to the company. Speed can be both a blessing and a curse in many areas.

„Hurry up, always do it quickyl“ – But:

  • I take the time that is good for the cause and good for me.
  • It can also be fun.
  • When I slow down, my decisions and results improve.
  • When I slow down, I live more consciously.
Volleyball team Net People
Volleyball is a fast sport. During long rallies, you quickly become hectic and out of breath. A high ball helps to slow down the game and find your breath again.

Of course they are in German …

… the articles in the new edition of the career service papers (csp). It will be published next Monday. On my desk a sample version, lacking the glue that keeps the pages together. If you want to have the digital version in advance please send an e-mail to marcellus.menke@uni-siegen.de with the subject line: “csp 2024 in advance digital”. Of course you easily can have the articles translated by an automatic translator of your choice, just to make things easier and give you a first access. And if you take part in our program „German in a Nutshell“, you can also try reading the German text. After all, that’s the original. Hope you enjoy the new csp.

Still loose sheets, but the contents are already complete: csp 21/2024 the first (advance) copy lying on my desk.