Goethe in Italy. In Europe a topos for generations, shaping the picture of traveling and finding one’s way in the world. A way of self discovery. Life-paths are diverse. For Goethe it was a very productive time. Still inspiring to read, especially today. The original German Text is found here.
As gutenberg.org is still not available with a German IP address, a quick research for a good, online available, English translation was not successful, but brought a link to a German classroom Edition with English introduction, published in 1909 in New York. It’s a scan of a copy form the University of California Libraries. You will find it here.
Until October 26, the Tiroler Landesmuseum was hosting an exhibition on Goethe’s journey and its impact. The title: „Goethe’s Italian Journey. A homage to a country that never existed“. Now the catalog is in the bookstores. It is on my table as a reading recommendation for the weekend. The Book is in German and Italian.