The ultimate career path…

… is many people’s dreams. But sometimes it is not so easy to figure out the direction you need to follow. There is not a visual shiny goal on the horizon to walk to. Rather you need to dig a little deeper and understand your strengths, weaknesses, and interests. Keep this list in your head when you are seeking out job opportunities. In such a situation, it is easy to fall into an anxious pattern, with many negative thoughts. But It is important to trust your gut feeling.

While it is true that no one knows you better than yourself, it is sometimes confusing and stressful to figure out how these interests could be translated into the job market. Here is where the Career Center comes in. We offer workshops as well as individual coaching. Maybe we can help narrow down your options so that you can make a decision that is suitable for you.

Don’t hesitate to contact us for further questions or to make an appointment. See you soon!

Searching for a job…

… can be stressful, disappointing, and seemingly fruitless. Here are three keywords to remember when you are feeling lost and need to reorient yourself: Search criteria, Job board, and networking.

First, Search Criteria. It is possible to use the same words in the Search Criteria of job boards, but it is important to remember that this could be limiting. Use the method of ‚Word clouds‘ to explore new keywords which could help you find more job ads, or to introduce new career ideas you were not considering before.

Second, Online Job Boards. These online Job databases could be holding your future job. Aside from the popular online job boards, remember to check out the job boards sections of newspapers, you might be surprised by the job ads you find there.

Third, networking. Whether it is through internships, part-time jobs, professors, or even fellow students. It is important to have contact with people in your field of study. This network could also take place digitally through any of the major networking sites. You never know who might contact you out of the blue with a job opportunity!

You can reach out for coaching with us at the career center by writing an email to

It is normal to lose your way from time to time, but always remember that it is possible to reorient yourself back to your destination.

It is the Interview day…

… and you are really nervous. This job is everything you wish for at the moment. How can you deal with your nerves and do well in the interview? I picked up five tips on the Career Service seminars and I would like to share them with you.

First, remember that they picked your application out of tens others and wanted to meet you. This should calm you down and remind you that they think you will be a valuable asset to their enterprise.

Second, Go over your application papers and identify your points of strength, this should boost your self confidence on the day of the interview.

Third, if the interview takes place online, make sure to test your device, sound and network one day before. Decide on a quiet location so that you are not distracted. Early preparation would leave you with plenty of time to realx on the day of the interview.

Fourth, make use of the Loci method. This should calm you when you get nervous, because you will remind yourself that all the information you need to recall for this interview, are safely stored. So take a deep breathe, take your time to answer and speak confidently.

Fifth and most importantly. Understand that feeling nervous and stressed is nomral. Remind yourself with this when you feel the familiar butterflies in your stomache or when your hands start shaking. The interviewers know that as well. You will not be their first applicant to interview. Showing some signs of stress shows them that you care about this job, so relax, and show them how much you deserve this job.

Your three daily cups of coffee might be too much on your interview, stay hydrated with water and remember that your body is already alert on this important day.

An invitation to a job interview …

… you got the call! Finally, a positive reply after all those applications. You have earned this. Now you are excited! But after the excitements fades you start to get nervous again … How can I prepare for the job interview, you ask yourself.

Here are a few tips from my visit to the Career Service seminar: It for instance helps to imagine the different phases of the job interview. Such as the Welcome and the End. First impressions are strong and lasting. Start with a smile. This helps you to concentrate on the questions ahead. For example, talking about the demands of the job, your experience in studies and internships and how this fits to the job. So it is also good to know some details about the company.

Another tip: Wear suitable and comfortable clothes. Anything that makes you feel comfortable is good for the interview.

And now you want to know how to keep all the important information in mind, while sitting nervously in the job interview. Memorizing prepared answers is not a good idea. In the seminar the Loci method was introduced. I liked it.

At the end of the interview you will probably be asked if you have any questions. No, is not the recommended answer. Remember that this could be your permanent job. So you should at least have some questions.

Do you have any now? You can ask the Career Service. Send an email to

A horizontal…

… line of chairs? Nervous people looking suspiciously at each other? This vaguely sounds like the waiting room for a job interview! Job interviews could be really intimidating. The waiting room is often filled with competitive and intense energy. This could make it more difficult to confidently impress your future employers. This is, unfortunately, unavoidable. Every job interview waiting area would have more or less a similar vibe. You cannot change your environment but you can change how you perceive it. Take deep breaths and focus on yourself, your skills, and the great addition you will be to this place! Easier said than done? Luckily there are some practical steps that you could take. Remember, preparation is key.

There are two direct actions that your future interviewed self would thank you for:

  • inform yourself about the company and the position you are applying for. 
  • Be ready to easily talk about your skills and qualifications

Interviewers do not expect a perfect interview and will understand that you are nervous. This could even show that you seriously care about employment there! So do not take their tired expressions as an indication of how well the interview going, you are probably their 8373rd interview of the day! 

If you need more support, check out our workshops for this summer semester. Good Luck!

Career Faces

Faces you know and faces you do not. Maybe faces you wish you knew. Pictures of faces around campus. Faces that you need to create? We would like to introduce our blog series ‚Career Faces‘. Here we will talk about stories that could be behind the faces of the Career Center characters you see around campus. We will introduce how we imagine them to be. We will narrate our take on their lives, dreams, and hopes.

We will leave you with your interactive display of the faces of the Career Center. Let us know who your favorite character is!

It is never too late to be punctual …

… is one slogan on the current Career Service Postcards. Our semster blog will start April 12th! From then on, we will post every week in English and German, alternatively. Promised. We wish you a good start in the semester and Happy Easter!

The flowers are already there, the trees are still waiting with their leaves. We look forward to seeing you on campus.