… on the tablet, right? Yes, of course. The picture is from our planning phase and we still had to make some adjustments, not only to the dates. But now everything is complete. We are looking forward to your registrations. From now on all seminars and workshops are activated in Unisono. You can find the overview here:
Dates, texts, images: Many steps are needed to make the Career Service Program work on the website.
… is one slogan on the current Career Service Postcards. Our semster blog will start April 12th! From then on, we will post every week in English and German, alternatively. Promised. We wish you a good start in the semester and Happy Easter!
The flowers are already there, the trees are still waiting with their leaves. We look forward to seeing you on campus.
… with your studies. That was the title of today’s Career Service workshop on AR Campus. We were part of the theme day “doubts about your studies”, organized by the colleagues from the central student advisory service. The topic, not so easy. The participants, curious. And of course everything about finding you career path. Classical Career Service tasks.
The event was all about getting to know methods for developing your own individual strategies. Many questions, many new ideas. We would like to thank you for the interesting event and the lively participation. And if you still have questions while thinking about the ideas from today, just write an e-mail and we will see how we can find answers. We are looking forward to your questions.
Already the second name tag that I forgot to return. I think I will put it in the house mail tomorrow and send it back to the colleague.
… podcast in English . Our guest: Anne Pajarinen. We talk about basic knowledge on how international students can successfully apply for jobs in Germany. We focus on language and culture, overcoming shyness and developing self-trust, and seeing the various perspectives of a professional career in Germany. It is an invitation to network and get in touch with the country.
Anne Pajarinen, Director of Carl Duisberg Centrum Radolfzell, is an education enthusiast from Finland with a long career in various educational contexts in Germany.
… is a challenge. As the University of Siegen is a part of the Advanced Technology Higher Education Network Alliance (ATHENA), we are also a part of the special ATHENA Career Service Program. Strong networks create new possibilities.
Interested in what we do?
On 19 October, for example, we invite you to join the ATHENA Career Event. It is online and we start at 9 am. How to register and what to expect can be found on the ATHENA Website.
We are looking forward to see you, because the future is just the next step.
… to the finished logo of our new podcast. It only took six hours. Our motto was: Just get started! . And it worked. We are looking forward to many interested listeners. The first part of the project is in German. We will start with the English edition on July 6, 2022. But until then, perhaps you would like to practice some German. Give it a try!
… how the Podcast of the Career Service of the University of Siegen will sound? Here are forty five seconds with samples form today’s test recording. The name of our podcast is career:FRAGEN. This new program will be launched as a digital event on April 27th at 3 pm.
The Zoom link will be sent directly to your email inbox on the morning of the event.
career:FRAGEN is for now in German. So joining it is a good idea if you want to gain some experience with the „German in an nutshell“ program. An English edition of the podcast will be released later this year.
To avoid getting mixed up: The first event starts on Wednesday April 27th at 3 pm, all other events are on Wednesday at 4 pm.
It was a little bit tricky but we enjoyed the process a lot! Here is a picture from the mixer in the recording studio of the ZIMT. Thanks to Oliver and André for the great introduction and support during the production.
… is too late? Well, it’s never too late for good wishes. We at the Career Service would like to wish you the best for the new year. We have started the New Year quite quickly, with many appointments and individual trainings. So it took some time for the good intentions of consistent blog writing to find its place. But here we are with a new input on job application!
How late is too late is also always a question when applying. For example: Can I still send in my application documents after the application deadline has passed? The answer is not as simple as it might seem and often not the probable expected no. You certainly can still apply, especially for jobs advertised online. The fact that the advertisement is still available, is an indication that an application may still be possible. Our recommendation: Simply give them a call and ask. If the phone call leads to a good conversation, this can be the basis for a good application, perhaps even for a completely different position in the company, which you were not aware of. In any case: Good luck!
And because twice is better, here, form the Career Service Christmas parcel, two little pigs. They are made from marzipan, designed to bring you a happy New Year.
… that’s what the Christmas card of the Career Service should be – if one would think of sending one, in the classical way by mail, printed on cardboard. That was the beginning of the discussion in our team. Then a design. No Christmas tree, no stylized green, simply a face, a look, optimistic and somewhat thoughtful and a wish to be able to form. And because the design led to so much positive feedback, we then really printed a small edition and sent it out in the traditional way. But of course, the card is also available digitally, here on the blog for download with best wishes for a happy holiday season and a good, healthy new year.
… it’s probably still a bit early and maybe not the right time, as everything is becoming and should become digital. I took a look in our archives and found this Christmas card, which the Career Service sent out in 2015.
The archive has been digital since the founding of the Career Service in 2008, and so is this card. Its analog version has not been found. That’s how times change.