… and you are really nervous. This job is everything you wish for at the moment. How can you deal with your nerves and do well in the interview? I picked up five tips on the Career Service seminars and I would like to share them with you.
First, remember that they picked your application out of tens others and wanted to meet you. This should calm you down and remind you that they think you will be a valuable asset to their enterprise.
Second, Go over your application papers and identify your points of strength, this should boost your self confidence on the day of the interview.
Third, if the interview takes place online, make sure to test your device, sound and network one day before. Decide on a quiet location so that you are not distracted. Early preparation would leave you with plenty of time to realx on the day of the interview.
Fourth, make use of the Loci method. This should calm you when you get nervous, because you will remind yourself that all the information you need to recall for this interview, are safely stored. So take a deep breathe, take your time to answer and speak confidently.
Fifth and most importantly. Understand that feeling nervous and stressed is nomral. Remind yourself with this when you feel the familiar butterflies in your stomache or when your hands start shaking. The interviewers know that as well. You will not be their first applicant to interview. Showing some signs of stress shows them that you care about this job, so relax, and show them how much you deserve this job.