… control is better. Losing control of things can often throw us off course. But sometimes it helps us. Let go and let yourself drift. Save up your strength so that you can get going at the right moment.
Letting go mentally (3 to 5 minutes)
- Take a seat on a chair. Close your eyes. Rest your arms and hands on the back of the chair or fold them loosely in front of your stomach. Your feet are in contact with the floor.
- Notice the sounds of your surroundings, your thoughts and emotions, your body.
- Just let everything be there. Let what happens happen. The sounds, your thoughts and emotions.
- You are just there and do nothing but be there. Allow everything to be there and let it happen.
Note: This exercise, used regularly, is first and foremost a classic relaxation exercise. However, it also trains the ability to let things happen and not always wanting/needing to control everything.